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Microsoft Word Formatting

How to Crop Pictures in Word

If you are inserting an image into a Word document you might want to crop the image.

Formatting for Portrait and Landscape in the Same Document

There are times you want to have a mix of portrait and landscape pages in the same document. This could be because you need to add a table that fits better landscape.

Different First Page Header and Footer and Odd and Even Pages

Documents sometimes require different information in the header and footer on the first page. It is also possible that odd and even pages are different too.

Using Tabs and Leaders

Tabs help line text and numbers up on a page, it also helps to have dot leaders.

Using Tabs and Leaders

Tabs help line text and numbers up on a page, it also helps to have dot leaders.

Creating Columns - Good for Newspaper Layout

Columns are good for doing layouts you would find in newspapers, magazines and brochures.

Changing Case of Text

The case of a text whether it be uppercase, lowercase or proper case might not be what you want and need to change it. Thankfully you can do this easily.

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